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Simultaneous Cock and Dildo Fuck Butch Dixon

Simultaneous Cock and Dildo Fuck Butch Dixon

One of our favorite new boys Jake Bolton has been brave enough and horny enough to take on Harley (muscle-mountain) Everett. This plucky horn dog is about to get a real meat stuffing. It's not just Harley's huge muscular bulk we love but his huge, uncut dick and the way his foreskin has to stretch as it rolls back from the swelling, bloated head until it retracts at sits snug as a polo neck behind helmet. Just imagine what that huge head feels like as it stretches an arse wide! But Jake's not just taking Harley's fat cock; the mean-spirited top also slides a dildo in simultaneously for a double penetration rodgering. Poor Jake's going to be sitting on a rubber ring for while, because his man cunt is reduced to a slobbering, sloppy ruin by the time Harley's had his fill and is ready to spray his seed all over hairy, battered, satisfied Jake. Title: Harley Everett and Jake Bolton
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