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Hot Times in Little Havana Scene 6 Kristen Bjorn

Hot Times in Little Havana Scene 6 Kristen Bjorn

Julio finally locates Jorge at his new home. Jorge is startled by his re-appearance, and Julio quickly figures out the score thanks to an incriminating photo of Jorge and Adriano. He starts to stomp off in a huff, but Jorge stops him, proclaiming he has always loved him. Naturally sex ensues, and we get to see Julio's sensuous lips in action again on Jorge's mammoth meat. They take turns fucking each other, starting with Julio on top, who pounds Jorge hard to get revenge on his faithless lover. When they change positions, though, Julio reclines on his stomach and wriggles his ass sensuously to encourage his lover's attention; he's clearly born to bottom. The scene ends with the two of them in each other's arms, drenched with sweat and cum Original Title: Hot Times in Little Havana - Scene 6
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