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Jake and Kevin Butch Dixon

Jake and Kevin Butch Dixon

They grow 'em big and studly stateside! Jake Marshall has SO totally turned me on to silver-haired daddies. He just gives the impression that he knows exactly what makes a guy tick, as well as what you need. He's handsome, with a dignified look, which only makes it even more of a turn on to see his silver head in a guy's ass. Kevin's a newbie and eager to impress but Jake takes care of everything. He pushes all of Kevin's buttons, turning the muscular pup into a pulsating selection of holes. Ready to be used and filled with Jake's long, rock-hard daddy meat, Kevin discovers his silver Daddy is man who knows how to use EVERYTHING he was born with but especially his cock! Original Title: They grow 'em big and studly stateside! Jake Marshall has SO totally turned me on to silver-haired daddies. He just gives the impression that he knows exactly what makes a guy tick, as well as what you need. He's handsome, with a dignified look, which only makes it even more of a turn on to see his silver head in a guy's ass. Kevin's a newbie and eager to impress but Jake takes care of everything. He pushes all of Kevin's buttons, turning the muscular pup into a pulsating selection of holes. Ready to be used and filled with Jake's long, rock-hard daddy meat, Kevin discovers his silver Daddy is man who knows how to use EVERYTHING he was born with but especially his cock!
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