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Papi Rules Trailer Men at Play

Papi Rules Trailer Men at Play

Who doesn't long for a bit of daddy loving. Especially if you're a young student and your best friend's dad is Hot Papi Edu Boxer. Allen King is lucky enough to be the Uni study partner of Edu's son and when Mr Boxer comes home from work to find Allen just chilling in the pool instead of studying he isn't impressed. After a bit of back chat from Allen, Edu decides to nip this in the bud and steps down into the pool in full suit and tie to retrieve the cocky youngster. Allen may not get any studying done but he sure works hard to abide by the rules of his best mates Dad! Lesson one - Be Receptive, learn to lay back and take as much as your Papi want to give you as he rims you and deep fingers your tight young ass. Lesson two - Show Respect, get down on your knees and deep throat his hard cock, and of course Lesson three - Work Hard - bounce your ass up and down on you Daddies erect dick until you both splatter cum all over your hot sexy Papi!
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