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More for Cock Whore Alpha Male Fuckers

More for Cock Whore Alpha Male Fuckers

The noise filters up to Tom's room and, curious, he gets out of bed and down the stairs where he stops and enjoys the last of Joe. Geoffrey is still fucking Hans and Tom starts wanking in the dark corner of the steps. Hans sees him and invites him to join his party. He walks over and jumps on the sofa. Hans has his mouth filled once more while Tom watches Geoffrey drill his ass. The three then move to the other end of the sofa where Hans sits on Tom's cock and rides him. Geoffrey moves to the side of them alternating his cock between the two mouths. They suck and Hans jumps up and down on the hard shaft until Geoffrey pulls him back and pushes him back on the sofa where he fucks the cum right out of him before adding a second load all over his body and right up to his face before slumping down and leaving Tom to add his own load to Hans's body. Original Title: More Spit Roasting and Tag Team Fucking For Cock Whore Hans Berlin
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