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Dolan Wolf Spit Roasted Extended Alpha Male Fuckers

Dolan Wolf Spit Roasted Extended Alpha Male Fuckers

The fun doesn't stop for these three top fuckers, Dolan is submitted to a further fuck, this time he has to take 2 dicks up that hairy ass of his. Not content with swopping over to get a go on his now juicy ass, Rich and Bruno decide to get efficient and pin Dolan between them and slide both thick shafts into him, giving us the best angle for double penetration possible! As all three men build up an intense sweat, the room will be soaking with man scent as Rich stands astride and fucks him over and over, moving into a fierce daisy-chain. Rich gets the pleasure of being piggy in the middle as Bruno fucks him as Dolan is in turn fucked by Rich... what a sight! It's a complete cum-fest soon after as the men can't take any more and shoot their loads knelt either side of the spent Dolan who mops up the spunk and continues to wank himself to full ejaculation, thinking of the amount of dick that was just inside of him, pumping hard! Original Title: Dolan Wolf Continues to Get Spit Roasted and Tag Team Fucked by Bruno Fox and Rich Kelly
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  Title: Dolan Wolf Spit Roasted Extended Alpha Male Fuckers

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