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Rich Kelly and Nathan Gear Extended Bulldog Pit

Rich Kelly and Nathan Gear Extended Bulldog Pit

Arriving suited, smart and horny as hell, bearded client Rich Kelly ascends the stairs to his waiting boy. Chained to the bed, leathered up and rock hard, Rich has got exactly what he wants. Slowing ripping off his suit, hairy man Rich exposes himself, already harnessed, decked in leather and gets working on his boy immediately. Lapping at his pink hole and sucking on that stiff dick, Nathan is there to do his masters will, and holding his legs high is exactly what he needs to do. As Rich plays with that hole, it's soon gaping and ready for his dick, which is pounded incessantly into him after 3 finger fucking back and forth. Leaving his boy well and truly used, Rich is jerked off by Nathan just before throwing his cash at him and leaving, the smell of sweat, spunk and leather lingering in the air. Original Title: Rich Kelly Laps Up, Crudely Fingers, Then Pounds Nathan Gear's Pink Gaping Hole
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  Title: Rich Kelly and Nathan Gear Extended Bulldog Pit

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