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Meet Josh Jackman UK Hot Jocks

Meet Josh Jackman UK Hot Jocks

Super sexy muscle guy Josh is a born performer. Dressed in tight lycra and short shorts, he's showing off the whole package here. It doesn't take long until he's tenting out those shorts and needs to release not-so-little Josh. Cock pointing sky high he wanks slowly and determined, giving that sexy smoldering glare down his perfect body to his rigid dick. Though he wants something more, something to stick his cock into. Reaching into a nearby locker he grabs a translucent Fleshjack to plunge his hard cock into, pumping away again and again, imagining he was fucking some hot muscle ass. Flipping it round he presses the device up against the lockers so he has something to push and fuck against, his lean, hard muscle fibres twitching and straining. Full Title: LockerJock: Josh Jackman.
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