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Nick and Sam Icon Male

Nick and Sam Icon Male

Sam Truitt has a chat with his dad about how Sam's friend Colton is going to be staying with them, working around the house in exchange for a room and board. Sam shows up at Nick Capra's house and as soon as they're inside their hands are all over each other, kissing and canoodling. Nick is hot and ready to hook up with his former student now that he doesn't have to worry about getting fired. He grabs the twink's face and starts kissing him, and then pushes him down on the bed and crawls on top of Sam, pressing him into the bed. Nick rips Sam's shirt in half, desperate to take it off, and pins Sam's hands down while grinding into him. Sam takes Nick's clothes off and launches on his cock, drooling all over it. He tries to fit Nick's big cock in his little mouth until he gags. Nick rims his former student's ass and then flips him over to start fucking him. Nick pumps deep into Sam's little ass as the guys work up a sweat and a hot, sticky load. From the Icon Male film His Son's Best Friend. Featuring Nick Capra, Sam Truitt.
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  Title: Nick and Sam Icon Male

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