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Hunky Mate Staxus

Hunky Mate Staxus

It won't take much of an expert in the niceties of gay porn to appreciate where this scene's headed pretty much from the off - but don't let that put you off what proves to be a terrific biker-themed offering from director, John Smith. On the one hand we have the magnificent Tom Crua, a tattooed beast of a hunk whose military-style cropped hair and pitch-perfect physique is enough to make even the most reluctant of admirers go weak at the knees! On the other hand, we have uber-sexy twink, Yuri Adamov, whose delicate physique and pretty face are in total contrast to his fuck-buddy's primed masculinity. Given the obvious differences between the two, it won't come as any surprise to discover that Crua plays out the dominant role, whilst Adamov is very much the passive party. But part of the beauty of this scene - apart from the fact that it features two of the hottest dudes on the circuit at present - is the simplicity surrounding this particular expectation. So sit back, relax and unzip to the sheer delight of seeing a horny young twink giving his fullest attention to a fellow who could quite easily pick the lad up and swing him around the room without even the slightest modicum of effort! Not that Crua does anything so untoward. Rather he merely lifts the lad up and plonks him down on his dick - a move that (not surprisingly) sends Adamov into total rapture. Suffice it to say that the youngster goes on to enjoy the fuck of his life, culminating in a fine blast of hot man-juice all over his perfectly coutured hair courtesy of Crua's erupting cock. In short, fucking hot! Featuring Yuri Adamov, Tom Crua (aka Ivo Kerk).
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