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Sneak Away Raging Stallion

Sneak Away Raging Stallion

Nick Capra and Colt Rivers sneak away backstage for some hole-gaping fun. Athletic Colt can't wait to taste Nick's tasty 9' cock, so he yanks Nick's shorts to his ankles. Nick tells Colt, 'get it really wet; wax it.' Nick has a broad chest, covered in fur, and he's nearly twice the size of Colt. His nonstop barrage of nasty encouragement keeps Colt grinning and choking himself as he sucks harder. Satisfied with Colt's effort to please, Nick sends Colt up a ladder until his ass is level with Nick's mouth. Colt's balls swing and hang low as he thrusts his bubble butt out to meet Nick's eagerly awaiting tongue. Nick loosens Colt's hole as he swirls his tongue around Colt's tight center, then loosens him a bit more with his finger. Colt shivers with ecstasy and collapses onto Nick's waiting cock, grinning as it stretches him. He bounces himself repeatedly onto Nick's fat rod, each pump going deeper. Colt's glutes spread wider when Nick penetrates him all the way down to his base. Nick hoists Colt up and fucks him harder and faster, as their skin glistens with sweat. Nick takes Colt to the edge of anal endurance, and at the moment of orgasm discharges a huge load in his mouth, then kneels to gobble up Colt's spunk and take one last taste of his hole. Featuring Colt Rivers, Nick Capra. Original release date: March 14th, 2016. From the film: Backstage Pass.
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  Title: Sneak Away Raging Stallion

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