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Kyle Wood Fisting Central

Kyle Wood Fisting Central

Kyle Wood's hard-ass looks and edgy tattoos proudly proclaim his taste for extreme sex. Director Tony Buff plays barber, buzzing Kyle's ginger hair into a Mohawk. When finished, he tells Kyle, 'Clean yourself up!' Kyle takes the cue to jack off his hard dick. He reaches for a pair of gloves and a sound, daring himself to reach his limit. Taking full advantage of the extra hole from his PA piercing, he angles the sound into his shaft, out through the hole, then back in and straight down. He pushes it in as far as possible and beats his meat, pulling the rod out at the exact moment that he blows his load straight up into the air. Featuring Kyle Wood. From the film: Sounding 9. Original release date: March 31st, 2016.
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