Marco Sean Cody
Title: Marco Sean Cody | Featured Men: | ||
Description: Muscular, dark-haired Marco decided to celebrate his 27th birthday with us by jacking off all day. This cutie with a bubble butt comes from the South and he loves a well-built man. The kind of guys I'm attracted too are fit, muscular and pretty, says Marco. The top three body parts I look for in a man are a nice chest, nice arms, and definitely a big dick! This chiseled stud also loves to bottom. With this bubble butt, of course I'm a bottom. You have to have at least 8-inches to come anywhere near my butt, explains Marco. I love sex and I would love to come back and jump on a big dick! Featuring Marco. Original release date: September 3rd, 2018. | |||
Category: Sean Cody | Added: 2023-07-15 | ||